The Centre for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Learning

The Centre for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Learning is a technologically-advanced simulation centre designed for interprofessional learning and patient-centred care. 

Developed in partnership by Island Health, the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine and opened its doors in 2015. As of 2024, CICSL operates as a two-way partnership between Island Health and the UBC Faculty of Medicine Island Medical Program. The Centre offers clinical simulation learning sessions customized by local educators and practice professionals to address realities that reflect health care in the Island Health region .

Clinical simulation is the use of technology, equipment and expertise to create guided experiences that replicate dynamic, complex and unanticipated medical situations.  

Our labs and equipment at the Royal Jubilee Hospital include:

  • three simulation laboratories replicating an operating room, a critical care unit and a patient care room
  • two control rooms that technicians use to remotely program a mannequin to simulate a wide range of unanticipated medical situations that help learners acquire relevant skills under pressure
  • mannequins powered by wireless technology that breathe, talk, bleed, cough, and moan when in pain
  • a videoconferencing and debriefing room for instruction and discussion before and after simulation sessions
  • a number of task trainers for skills training.